Explore Datapeople's Recruiting Performance Report
The Recruiting Performance Report shows job statistics by job type or department.
The Recruiting Performance Report provides insight into:
- Recruiting metrics such as total applications, average days live, and number of hires made
- Job post metrics such as number of jobs opened, added, and closed, as well as average job score
The graph illustrates number of published jobs in purple and number of applicants in red-orange.
The table provides recruiting and job post metrics broken down by your company's departments.
The report is:
- Filterable:
- If your organization doesn't have an ATS integration with Datapeople, you will see default Datapeople filters (i.e., user and location filters).
- If your organization does have an ATS integration, you will see standard filters from your ATS in addition to default Datapeople filters (user and location filters).
- Non-Admin users will see only the jobs they have access to. Admins will see all jobs in the organization by default.
- Sharable with team members:
- Click the Share button at the top right of the report (by the date range)
- Select a user or users to share the report with and add an optional message. The selected user(s) will receive an email linking directly to the report, with the selected date range and any applied filters: