Explore Datapeople's Content Snapshot
The Content Snapshot flags content issues known to impact the quality and diversity of your inbound candidate pools. It will help you build a consistent and thoughtful candidate experience by ensuring your job posts include all the right content.
The Content Snapshot provides a weekly point-in-time view of your published job posts' content.
Like all snapshot reports, this report is generated on Sunday to reflect a snapshot of aggregated trends associated with published (or live) job posts the previous week.
We recommend using the Content Snapshot in tandem with the Weekly Snapshot. The Content Snapshot highlights any overarching issues with your posts, while the Weekly Snapshot allows you to understand which job posts are contributing to major trends so you can focus your team's efforts.
Metrics tracked in this report:
Here are the content metrics you can view in the Content Analysis:
- Standard Job Content, including benefits, reporting structure, diversity statement, and location
- Language, including approachability and inclusivity
- Readability, including job length and any overqualifications
- Performance indicators, including searchable job titles and job age
This report updates weekly, so be sure to check back to see your progress over time!
The report is:
- Filterable:
- If your organization doesn't have an ATS integration with Datapeople, you will see default Datapeople filters (i.e., user and location filters).
- If your organization does have an ATS integration, you will see standard filters from your ATS, in addition to default Datapeople filters (user and location filters).
- Non-Admin users will see only the jobs they have access to. Admins will see all jobs in the organization by default.
- Sharable with team members
- Select the job(s) using the check boxes
- Click the purple Share button at the top right of the jobs list
- Select a user to share the job(s) with and add an optional message. The selected user(s) will receive an email linking directly to the selected job(s):