Explore Datapeople's Executive Insights

Datapeople's Executive Insights brings the most important recruiting metrics to the forefront, allowing you to share high-level updates on your recruiting processes with leadership at the click of a button.

Datapeople's Executive Insights bring all of the most important metrics across out Insights reports into one place, allowing you to quickly see:

  • What does our candidate pool look like?
  • How are we performing compared to other companies?
  • How much progress are we making toward our hiring goals?
  • What does the gender diversity of our candidate pool look like?
  • What are our best candidate sources?

Datapeople's Executive Insights shows recruiting trends at a glance while allowing you to drill down to a more detailed report right from each respective widget.

Just click the link at the bottom right of each widget to access a more in-depth report in the category.

Executive Insights helps you answer your top recruiting questions.

Metrics from the Pass-Through Report and the Overall Source Report can help you answer top-of-the funnel questions like:

  • Are we attracting enough qualified applicants?
  • What applicant sources lead to the most hires?

Metrics from the Gender Report can help you answer diversity questions like:

  • What is the gender diversity of our candidate pool?
  • Are there any large shifts in diversity throughout out our hiring processes?

Metrics from the Hiring Report and the Drop-off Report can help you answer process questions like:

  • Are our hiring processes efficient?
  • Are candidates accepting our offers?
  • Are there potential candidate experience issues with our processes?

Can I share this report?

You can easily share Executive Insights with other Datapeople users by clicking the Share button in the top right. Recipients will receive a link to the Report with the time range you've selected, along with any filters you applied. You can also download the page into a PNG file.

Why can't I see the Drop-off Benchmark chart?

If the drop-off widget is hidden, it is likely because your company's overall drop-off rate is suggesting data integrity issues. Therefore, the chart won't be useful (and may possibly be misleading) until the data integrity issues are solved. Read more here.

Why can't I see the Gender Distribution chart?

If the gender distribution widget is hidden, the Admins on your account have restricted access to this data. Due to the sensitive nature of the data, it has a specific permission structure: 

  1. Restrictive: Only Datapeople Admins can see the Gender Reports.
  2. Permissive: Everyone can view the Gender Report

Updating the permission structure requires approval from your organization’s Datapeople Admin. 

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