What does the date range filter in Insights reports refer to?
- For almost all reports and corresponding widgets in Executive Insights, the date range filters your data by candidate application date.
- EXECPT: For the Hiring Report and Executive Insights widgets that point to the Hiring Report, the date range filters your data by candidate offer resolution date.
Some hiring metrics, like the count or percentage of Hires, that are shown in multiple Datapeople reports may show different outcomes for this reason.
For example, for the given date range in Figures 1 and 2:
Your Pass-Through Report would include any candidate who applied in that time frame.
In this case, one candidate: Candidate B (Figure 1).

Your Hiring Report would include any candidate who resolved (accepted/declined/rescinded) an offer in the given time frame.
In this case, two candidates: Candidate D and Candidate E, but not Candidate B since they received their offer after the given time frame (Figure 2).

By Candidate Application Date
For all reports except the Hiring Report and all widgets in Executive Insights that point to reports other than the Hiring Report, the date range in Datapeople reports filters your data by candidate application date.
The reports are showing you data for all candidates who applied in the given date range.
These are not a point-in-time reports (ie. How many interviews did we give in this time frame, how many hires did we make in this time frame?).
These are funnel reports (ie. Of all candidates who applied in this timeframe, how many were screened, were interviewed, were hired...)
Depending on your ATS, a similar report within your ATS could show for all candidates who had any activity in a given time frame, which may cause your metrics to look a bit different in outside reports.
By Offer Resolution Date (Hiring Report)
The Executive Insights widgets that are filtered by candidate offer resolution date are: