Collaborate with comments in the Smart Editor

Using comments to collaborate on job posts in Datapeople is easy! Comment threads live on the right-hand side of the job post and can be seen by anyone who has access to that job. Comments are a great place to bring in teammates who should weigh in on the content of a job post, and the ability to leave comments on specific parts of the job—as well as the ability to tag others—make collaborating a breeze.

The basics

If you'd like to leave a comment on a specific piece of text, simply highlight that text and click the comment button on the toolbar:

A modal will pop up, allowing you to write your comment. When you're done, simply press enter or select the arrow button at the bottom right:

Tagging, replying, and resolving threads

If you tag someone, they will receive an email notification with the content of the comment as well as a direct link to the job:

Use the reply section directly underneath a comment to continue the conversations and keep threads organized:

To unsubscribe from or resolve a thread, click on the three horizontal dots by the original comment:

From this menu, you can unsubscribe from a comment thread (meaning you will no longer receive email notifications for it) or resolve the comment thread. Threads can be resolved by anyone with access to the job. You can also edit a comment or permanently delete it.

You can see resolved threads by clicking "Show resolved threads." From here, you have the option to reopen a thread.

Note: you can always delete a comment, but once a comment is deleted, it can no longer be seen. We recommend resolving comments instead of deleting if you'd like the option to potentially see and reopen them later on.

Recent activity on homepage

Whenever someone mentions you in a comment, you'll see it in the Collaborate section on the right-hand side of the homepage:


Whenever you are tagged in a comment, you'll receive an email notification with a link to the job where you can go to see and respond to the comment. You can also reply directly to the email and your response will be added to the comment thread in Datapeople.

Notification email
Comment added via email

You can also choose to add the Cord app on Slack to receive notifications there (Cord is the software we use to implement commenting functionality). To connect Slack, click the three horizontal dots at the top right of any comment and select the "Connect to share" option:

Once Slack is connected, you'll receive notifications there anytime someone tags you in a comment. You can reply in a Slack thread to that message to have your responses added to the thread in Datapeople:

Slack notification and response
Comment added via Slack

Happy collaborating!

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