Using Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

You can use Datapeople Anywhere to 1. write new job postings directly in Workday or 2. import existing drafts from Datapeople. For each of these, Workday provides a standard workflow and a simplified workflow. 

Write a new job description with Workday's standard workflow:

  1. Navigate within Workday to "Create Job Requisition."
    1. Fill in your required details (e.g., Supervisory Organization, Worker Type) for your starting page.
    2. Fill in your required Recruiting Details (e.g., Reason, Recruiting Start Date, Target Hire Date).
  2. On the Job Details page, click the Edit icon. Click on the Datapeople logo, and click "Write New Draft."
    1. If you don't see the Datapeople logo on the page in Workday, please be sure you have installed Datapeople Anywhere.

      Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

  3. Fill in the required details (Title, Location, and Template), choose if this is a Private or Public draft job by toggling the indicator, and then click "Write New Draft."

    Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

  4. Make any edits in the Datapeople editor and click "Save & Close" to return to the job requisition in Workday. Any changes you have made in the editor will automatically sync to the Workday job requisition.
    1. Note: You will need to make selections in Workday's required remaining fields on the Job Details section to continue creating your Job Requisition. This can be done either before or after you write the job in the Datapeople editor.
  5. Click "Edit" next to your job score to make further changes to the job posting.

    Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

Write a new job description using Workday's simplified workflow:

  1. In Workday, navigate to the menu on the lefthand side of the page.
  2. Click “My Team.”
    1. On the Job Details page, click the Datapeople logo and select “Write New Draft.”

      Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

    2. If you don't see the Datapeople logo on the page in Workday, please be sure you have installed Datapeople Anywhere.
  3. Fill in the required details (Title, Location, and Template), choose if this is a Private or Public draft job by toggling the indicator, and then click "Write New Draft."
  4. Make any edits in the Datapeople editor and click "Save & Close" to return to the job requisition in Workday. Any changes you have made in the editor will automatically sync to the Workday job requisition.
    1. Note: You will need to make selections in Workday's required remaining fields on the Job Details section to continue creating your Job Requisition. This can be done either before or after you write the job in the Datapeople editor.
  5. Click "Edit" next to your job score to make further changes to the job posting.

    Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

Import / Edit an existing draft job using Workday’s standard workflow:

  1. Navigate within Workday to "Create Job Requisition."
    1. Fill in your required details (e.g., Supervisory Organization, Worker Type) for your starting page.
    2. Fill in your required Recruiting Details (e.g., Reason, Recruiting Start Date, Target Hire Date).
  2. On the Job Details page, click the Edit icon. Click on the Datapeople logo, select an existing draft job from the dropdown list, and click "Import from Datapeople."
    1. If you don't see the Datapeople logo on the page in Workday, please be sure you have installed Datapeople Anywhere.

Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

  1. Fill in Workday's required remaining fields on the Job Details section to continue creating your Job Requisition. You will see the imported job description in Workday, along with the job's score.
  2. Click "Edit" next to your job score to make any further changes.

Import / Edit an existing draft job using Workday’s simplified workflow:

  1. In Workday, navigate to the Menu on the lefthand side of the page.
  2. Click “My Team.”
  3. Under “Actions,” select “Start Job Requisition.”
    1. Fill in your required details (e.g., Supervisory Organization, Worker Type) for your starting page.
    2. Fill in your required Recruiting Details (e.g., Reason, Recruiting Start Date, Target Hire Date).
  4. On the Job Details page, click the Datapeople logo and select the draft you want to import. If you don’t see it right away, you can use the search bar to find it. Click “Import from Datapeople.
    1. If you don't see the Datapeople logo on the page in Workday, please be sure you have installed Datapeople Anywhere.

Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

  1. Fill in Workday's required remaining fields on the Job Details section to continue creating your Job Requisition. You will see the imported job description in Workday, along with the job's score.
  2. Click "Edit" next to your job score to make any further edits.

Datapeople Anywhere in Workday

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