Using Datapeople Anywhere in Greenhouse

How to import and edit your existing jobs in Datapeople.

Datapeople Anywhere in Greenhouse

1) Navigate to Greenhouse. On the top right menu, click the add button (+) and select Create a Job.

2) Choose whether you want to Copy an Existing Job or start fresh by selecting Blank Job. Next, complete the required steps including Job Info, Scorecard, Interview Plan, and Hiring Team.

3) Once you've reached the Job Post section, a purple Datapeople logo will appear next to the job name field that will allow you to access your Datapeople drafts.

Note: If you don't see the Datapeople logo on the page in Greenhouse, please ensure you have installed Datapeople Anywhere.

  • To import an existing draft job: Click the Datapeople logo next to the job name field, select a draft job from the dropdown list, and click Import from Datapeople.
  • To create a new draft job: Click the blue checkmark in the job name field and click New Draft.

4) To edit the job description, simply click the Edit button where applicable, and the Datapeople editor will appear.

5) Make edits in the Datapeople editor and click Close to return to the job posting in Greenhouse. Any changes will automatically sync, and the job score will update.

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