Why do the reports only show five recruiting stages?

At Datapeople, we map all of your recruiting steps into five core stages that map to best practices in HR. This allows for both internal and external benchmarking.

Applicant tracking systems (ATSs) enable a lot of customization. Each department can assign its own set of hiring stages to their requisitions. For example, marketing may have five stages while engineering has six. Also, hiring teams can tailor stages for individual jobs. So junior jobs may get four stages while senior jobs get six. Or sales executives may have to complete role-playing exercises while software engineers complete coding challenges. 

To get clear reports with this level of inconsistency means doing a lot of manual data analysis and cleanup. That takes time (assuming you even have someone who can do it) and makes quick decisions and process improvements all but impossible. 

Datapeople maps all of your hiring stages (no matter the number or how they vary across your organization) to HR best practices – in real time. This means no more cleaning up or organizing raw data before you can even start analyzing it.

This mapping enables you to compare candidate pools across time, between requisitions (even if one job has a 2-interview loop and another has a 7-interview loop), and against other departments or cost centers who might have different processes. This is the only way we can show benchmark statistics, both internally (to enable comparisons within your company) and externally (between companies).

If you think your stages have been mapped incorrectly or something looks off, please contact your Datapeople Account Rep.

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